

Table of Contents

Volume 71 - Number 11/12 (2018)

Humulus Lupulus: Hop Alpha-acids Isomerization – A Review. B. Jaskula-Goiris, L. De Cooman and K. Goiris. BrewingScience, 71 (November/December 2018), pp. 85-95. view abstract | view article

On the Behavior of the Important Hop Odorant 4-Mercapto-4-methylpentan-2-one (4MMP) during Dry Hopping and during Storage of Dry Hopped Beer. K. Reglitz, N. Lemke, S. Hanke and M. Steinhaus. BrewingScience, 71 (November/December 2018), pp. 96-99. view abstract | view article

Behaviour of Hop-derived Branched-chain Esters During Fermentation and Unique Characteristics of Huell Melon and Ekuanot (HBC366) Hops. - A preliminary report of some of this work was given at the 35th Congress of the European Brewery Convention, Porto, Portugal, 24-28 May, 2015.. K. Takoi, Y. Itoga, K. Koie, J. Takayanagi, T. Kaneko, T. Watanabe, I. Matsumoto and M. Nomura. BrewingScience, 71 (November/December 2018), pp. 100-109. view abstract | view article

Reproducibility Trials in a Research Brewery and Effects on the Evaluation of Hop Substances in Beer. - Part 2: Reproducibility in Moderately Aged Beers. A. Gahr, A. Forster and F. Van Opstaele. BrewingScience, 71 (November/December 2018), pp. 110-115. view abstract | view article

The Effectiveness of Hop Volatile Markers for Forecasting Dry-hop Aroma Intensity and Quality of Cascade and Centennial Hops. S. R. Lafontaine, C. B. Pereira, D. M. Vollmer and T. H. Shellhammer. BrewingScience, 71 (November/December 2018), pp. 116-140. view abstract | view article