

Table of Contents

Volume 72 - Number 1/2 (2019)

A flexible IT infrastructure for the integration of smartglasses into the brewing laboratory as a digital support for standard analysis workflows. J. Austerjost, M. Bargholz, M. Porr, D. Geier, T. Becker, D. Marquard, P. Lindner, T. Scheper and S. Beutel. BrewingScience, 72 (January/February 2019), pp. 1-9. view abstract | view article

Investigating the evolution of free staling aldehydes throughout the wort production process. M. Ditrych, W. Filipowska, G. De Rouck, B. Jaskula-Goiris, G. Aerts, M. L. Andersen and L. De Cooman. BrewingScience, 72 (January/February 2019), pp. 10-17. view abstract | view article

Model calculation of a solar assisted system for a malt kiln. M. Hauner, K. Eichhorn, S. Vearasilp, S. Thanapornpoonpong and V. Changrue. BrewingScience, 72 (January/February 2019), pp 18-30. view abstract | view article